Usually when clients first enter relationship counselling and psychotherapy the therapist asks: What do want from the therapy?, and What do you want from the relationship? The common answers are;
to work things out, to communicate better, to be happy together, to improve the relationship or solve a particular impasse or crisis.
Almost never do clients begin by saying "I want the therapist to prove I am right and my partner is wrong", or "I want you to back me up and tell my partner off!"
However, as soon as any of us begin to explain the relationship issues, we start to try to convince the therapist that we are right and our partner is wrong. This, in fact, mirrors one of the biggest
issues in any relationship; that is the myth that we are right! Of course we do often find our partners behaviours unacceptable and we may wish they were different; and in some cases a partners
behaviour might be absolutely unacceptable (criminal and abusive behaviours for example), but in most cases the quest to win every argument and be proven right only ever leads to resentment and
I often say to clients that they have a choice, be right or be happy! The 'best' arguers in any relationship coerce their partners to back down, and usually end up single. Winning arguments in the
short-term breeds greater resentment, and resentment destroys the feelings that makes relationships work.
Happy relationships require that we accept differences of opinion, we compromise on each others needs and wants, and we accept that it is enough to be heard without forcing our view on the
In order to let go of our need to win arguments we can choose to listen to our partner, respond to what they say with interest and respect, and care about the messages they are sharing. Try to avoid
picking up on little errors in what you hear, or responding straight away with a counter argument; as this leaves our partner feeling unheard - and the argument will simply escalate at that time or
in the future. Equally when expressing opinions use "I" to express your thoughts and feelings instead of "you" to accuse the other. Be clear, accurate and avoid exaggeration. Accept that your partner
may not agree (no one is ever always 100% right!), but reflect on the differences and seek compromises.
Try to find the real message in any argument. For example, if your partner says you never do the washing up, don't argue that you did do it once last week so they are wrong! Instead, listen, hear and
reflect - your partner is almost certainly telling you they need more support, they need a fairer relationship, and that they are unhappy. Ignoring this message by arguing about inaccuracy will not
make your partner or relationship happier; the argument will repeat and escalate until the relationship ends.
If an argument is important then try to plan it! Book a time and a place. Do it calmly (arguments are rarely positive when done in anger) and aim to listen. A therapist will be helpful; they can
teach/coach skills and mediate (but not referee/judge), but the work is the couples.
Changing these dynamics is tough, we learn at a young age how to argue and how to "win". We repeat these patterns over and over again...even if they lead us through a multitude of unhappy
relationships. So it is common to need counselling for this, either individual or relationship.
So don't be right, be listening, hearing and reflective. Respond, compromise and change. At least then if the relationship ends you will know it is because you were too far apart, rather than you
chose to ignore the real issues.
How To Avoid Relationship Dead Ends: No. 3: Remember everyone is as complex as YOU!
You are complex and full of contradictions. You have thoughts and feelings that change from moment to moment and situation to situation.You behave inconsistently and sometimes without reason. I can
assert this so strongly because in many ways we are all the same, we all change our minds, we all have many contradictory thoughts and feelings that fluctuate with our mood and circumstances, and we
all behave in ways that we wish we hadn't.
However, many of us make the mistake of assuming others are much more straightforward. We think we can understand others, we think we can define them; their motives, their beliefs and their feelings.
So often in relationships we ask friends and therapists to help us work out what our partner really thinks, what they really want and what they really feel. This is particularly true when
relationships reach a crisis point and we seek some 'truth' to comfort us with a predictable outcome.
A good example is when one partner forces a separation on the other. The other partner who may feel rejected so often tries to find snippets of 'evidence' to reassure them that the relationship will
survive. They may ask their friends to review this evidence and explain what their estranged partner 'really thinks'. Unfortunately this is nearly always a fruitless task as their partner may still
show evidence of feelings and thoughts which suggest false hope; a partner may still love you, and want to end the relationship, they may say reassuring things but still hold resentments and
The truth is that ultimately it is peoples actions and words over a long period that define 'what they really want', however confused or unclear they may be in the short-term. I remember a
conversation I had with a driving instructor many years ago; when I complained that drivers signals on roundabouts were frequently wrong and confusing he answered that the only signal I should always
believe is the direction of the bonnet! In other words wait to see where they intend to go, never assume a signal is going to be trustworthy. In relationships people are what they do, and the signals
that come out of their mouths are only a guide, because we are all confused, contradictory and very very complex!
How To Avoid Relationship Dead Ends: No. 4: Listen And Be Seen To Listen!
In relationships we all know communication is important, and hopefully most of us know that the most important part of this communication is listening! However, the bit we often forget is to let our
partner know we have truly heard.
Of course in relationships it is hard to always be perfect, to always be on our game; but when we forget to acknowledge our partner, we tell them we have not heard, or
do not care. Our partners may not ask for a response, but if we do not make clear we have understood resentment builds and arguments follow.
The more serious pattern occurs when our partners tell us how they feel and we respond with our own feelings, and even our own counter-argument! A pattern develops where each partner expresses their
feelings, and the other apparently discounts them and focuses only on their own feelings. This can lead to an often repeated argument, which escalates each time until the relationship ends.
The only way to communicate effectively is to ensure our partner knows we have heard them. When feelings are expressed paraphrase them and respond to them respectfully. Do not argue against them,
acknowledge them. You may not agree with all that has been said, but that can be dealt with another time, what matters is that each persons feelings are seen to be heard.
In couples counselling each partner is usually given time and space to talk without interruption, their partner listens and paraphrases and responds, and then only when they have clearly heard do
they then get a turn. This ensures we know we have been heard, we might not get agreement but at least we start to work towards that!
This reminds me of my driving instructor who told me to move my rear facing mirror for my driving test, to ensure I had to move my head to look into it... so that the driving tester could be sure I
was using it. He was very clear, it did not matter so much whether I was using the mirror, only that I was seen to be using it. Similarly, listening to your partner is important, but not as important
as them knowing you are listening!