Counselling Services for Men

Psychotherapy, Counselling, Coaching and Training Courses for Men

I work with a large number of male clients with diverse needs and issues. Many (but my no means all men) are reluctant to seek out a 'talking therapy'.


However, men do have real therapeutic needs; the pressures and challenges of the ever greater expectations within the family in combination with highly competitative and accountable roles in the workplace mean we all can benefit from a responsive support service.


I use a variety of approaches from Psychotherapy, Counselling and Coaching for individuals, families and Organisations.


I offer 1-1 intervention, group intervention and Training Courses.


Typical Reasons for Approaching a Therapist or Coach:

Work pressure


Time Management



Interviews and Applications

Public speaking

Family issues

Relationship demands

Relationship difficulties


Separation and Divorce

Control and Power

Sexual Issues


Anger, Aggression and Conflict


Addiction and Compulsion



Fatherhood, access and contact

Child Access: Court, Mediation and CAFCASS coaching (no legal advice given)

Personal Development


Contact Us Today:

Therapy and Learning
Milton Hall

244 Deansgate


M3 4BQ

07840 709716


Or use our contact form.

Business Hours

I work flexibly and will always try to accommodate clients at a time suitable to them. Please feel free to leave confidential voice messages, texts or emails at any time day or night.

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